Baby Steps to Teaching!

Today, I went to a spur of the moment academic advising session in between my classes since I found an opening in my schedule.


I start pre-teaching in the Fall!! Pre-teaching at my university basically means going to schools at least once a week officially as an Education major. I will be able to observe the class and immerse myself into a classroom setting I am interested in. With pre-teaching, however, my credit hour per semester will increase. This means I definitely need to stay on my a-game for the last few semesters of my degree. It won’t be long till I will teach 3 days a week and take end-of-degree methods courses. Heck, it won’t be long till I have a classroom of my own.

I am currently in a three week stress period with school. I have tests after tests, which stresses me out the most. After these three weeks though, my schedule isn’t so hectic for the rest of the semester. This advising session boosted my motivation (since my motivation was decreasing with stress).